On Saturday, I had the chance to attend the ELIQG (Eastern Long Island Quilt Guild) Quilt Show at Suffolk County Community College in Riverhead, NY. There were 700 quilts in this show. I want to share pictures of some of the quilts with you. These pictures were taken with my phone since I forgot my camera, so please excuse the quality of the pictures. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
This quilt was my favorite. It is made out of ties. I don't know the name of this quilt for some reason I cut off the information card but I will try to find out and update this post.
Rose by JoAnne Powell
This is a family tree quilt. The leaves have names on them.
Woven Chain by Ann Kelly
An Irish chain quilt, on my list to make one day.
Xavier's Turtles by Kathleen Lake
Don't you just love the bright colors in this turtle quilt!
Summer Bouquet by Mary Meade
The flower were yo-yo's.
Glueberries for My Table Runner by Barbara Perino
Baby Girl Quilt by Roberta Garris
Red Zinger by Gilma Simeone
Golden Floribunda by Alice Zimmerman
It was a happy day!