Saturday, January 29, 2011


I decided that I need a project that was portable. A project that I could take with me to where ever I needed to go,  something I could do in front of the TV while I keep my husband company, so I decided to try EPP (English Paper Piecing). And these are my first stars....

What do you think? I don't know if these stars will go together, we will have to wait and see. 

Keep quilting! 



  1. Christine~
    great job! these three will make a good beginning. i have pieced tons while watching TV with my husband over the years, and I only yelled at him once for sitting on the unfinished top (hehe).
    can't wait to see how it grows~

  2. Thank you Christine for singing up for my blog giveaway. Unfortunately you did not win but I am hosting another giveaway on March 17th so try again. I like your stars and they are very precise.

  3. hmmm,let's see, stars, long island... jessica influence here? ;-) they look awesome! I wish I had the "umph" to get my grandmothers flower garden quilt finished.... these look fabulous!


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